Fotografare mille camere da letto, in Australia e nel resto del mondo, entro il 2015. E' questo l'ambizioso progetto di Margaret Ellen Burns, residente a Sydney, che attualmente ha immortalato circa 150 stanze e gli individui che le abitano per la sua serie 1000 Bedrooms, fatta di scatti rigorosamente in bianco e nero. "Ho scelto le camere da letto come filo conduttore perché mi danno la possibilità di fotografare le persone in qualsiasi punto e posizione, senza costringerli ad assumere pose prestabilite e innaturali" spiega Ellen Burns, che aggiunge: "Recluto i miei soggetti ovunque: in strada, sull'autobus, nei negozi. All'inizio era difficile, ora il compito è agevolato dalle foto già fatte che posso mostrare. Sono alla ricerca, comunque, di volontari che si prestino per degli scatti fuori dall'Australia" (a cura di Pier Luigi Pisa)
Photographing a thousand bedrooms, in Australia and the rest of the world, by 2015. This is the ambitious project of Margaret Ellen Burns, a resident of Sydney, who has now immortalized about 150 rooms and the individuals who live there for her Series 1000 Bedrooms, made of strictly black and white shots. "I chose the bedrooms as a common thread because they give me the opportunity to photograph people at any point and position, without forcing them to assume pre-established and unnatural poses" explains Ellen Burns, who adds: "I recruit my subjects everywhere: on the street , on the bus, in the shops.It was difficult at the beginning, now the task is facilitated by the pictures already made that I can show.They are looking, however, for volunteers who lend themselves for shots outside Australia ". (edited by Pier Luigi Pisa)
Photographer Margaret Ellen Burns’s Mission to Photograph 1.000 Bedrooms Around the World.
Photographer Margaret Ellen Burns from Sydney, Australia, gives us a peek into those secret worlds as she treads forward on her mission to photograph 1.000 bedrooms with their people in them.
Margaret Ellen Burns explains how she got the idea for 1.000 Bedrooms:
I wanted to start taking portraits – it’s something I’ve always been very interested in but was always too shy to approach people. Beginning with the idea that I wanted to take a lot of portraits with a common thread running through the series, I chose the bedroom as a common location because it meant that I could photograph people anywhere, without needing to drag them to a particular place or imposing a scene on them which isn’t necessarily anything to do with them personally. The personal element of the bedroom is a really interesting backdrop, as well as prompting interesting reactions to the camera from the people who participate.
1000 bedrooms - Ordinary Magazine
1000 bedrooms -
1000 bedrooms - YFH
A Visual Journey Through 1000 Bedrooms
Published by The Housemates on 25/01/2014
Margaret Ellen Burns started her 1000 Bedrooms project with the goal of capturing a thousand portraits from around the world by December 31st, 2015. But by the looks of the site at the moment, she won’t need so long. The Sydney photographer set out to portray human beings in the most truthful way possible, and there was no better place to do that than in their own, most personal spaces.
“For me, the subject of the picture is always more important than the picture.” – Diane Arbus
It’s not everyday you’ll see something worth talking about, and definitely not everyday you’ll stop the shameless self promotion of your own work to promote someone else’s work instead. On this rare occasion, I would like to talk about the 1000 Bedrooms Project by Margaret Ellen Burns. I’ve been following this blog for several months now, and I’ve been intrigued by the nature of this project and the quality of the work produced. I have an urge to spread the awareness of this project. So, I’ve decided to do a mini Q&A with the creator herself, showcasing some of her work along the way and giving you (and me) a little more insight.
Now, what is 1000 Bedrooms?
“A bedroom portrait project, shot on black and white film. The goal is to photograph 1000 bedroom portraits by December 31st, 2015. I aim to share one a day with you on this blog.”
Derek: Please introduce yourself?
Margaret: My name is Margaret Ellen Burns. You can call me any one, variation or combination of those names and I’m from Sydney, Australia.
Derek: How long have you been photographing?
Margaret: In a family album somewhere is a photo of my mum I took with her camera at age 3.
Derek: Why did you start photographing?
Margaret: Mainly to record moments and friends around me, but it became a little more than that.
Derek: How did you come up with the idea – 1000 bedrooms?
Margaret: I wanted to start taking portraits – it’s something I’ve always been very interested in but was always too shy to approach people. Beginning with the idea that I wanted to take a lot of portraits with a common thread running through the series, I chose the bedroom as a common location because it meant that I could photograph people anywhere, without needing to drag them to a particular place or imposing a scene on them which isn’t necessarily anything to do with them personally. The personal element of the bedroom is a really interesting backdrop, as well as prompting interesting reactions to the camera from the people who participate.
Derek: What is the goal of this project?
Margaret: I’m hoping the end result is a very diverse group of portraits of people from all over the world in their personal spaces. I just want to portray people very truthfully, through my eyes.
Derek: Where do you find all these people and how would you approach them? Do you just ask them if you can photograph them in their bedrooms? What are their initial responses?
Margaret: I usually just ask; sometimes people on the street, in shops, on the bus… A lot of responses are a little shocked, but less so now I can show examples of what I mean from the photos already taken. It was definitely a lot harder in the beginning.
Derek: Are you looking for volunteers?
Margaret: Yes, especially from countries outside of Australia.
Derek: How often do you photograph in people’s bedrooms?
Margaret: Wherever I can fit it around full time work. The most I’ve fit into a day is six. It really depends on how many people I have agreeing to pose in a certain area.
Derek: What medium and gear do you usually use?
Margaret: I use black and white 35mm film and a Asahi Pentax Spotmatic camera used to belong to my mum.
Derek: Why did you choose that medium?
Margaret: Mainly because I enjoy the process of shooting a limited number of frames, proofing, editing down to one shot and printing the final shot but also I like the aesthetic. One other thing that feels nice is using my mums camera.
Derek: Anything else you’d like to say to readers?
Margaret: If you would like to pose for a bedroom portrait please get in touch
Thank you very much Margaret. For those who would like more information on this project, please visit . I’d urge everyone follow the blog, you’ll be glad you did. Besides, don’t you want to see a Spotmatic in great hands? I did my part, now you do yours – go spread the news.
Thank you to Tim Robinson for capturing the opening night of 100 Bedrooms at Kind Of Gallery, Oxford Street Darlinghurst in 2012.